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Archiving Distributions

  1. Go to Admin Survey Data


  2. Click Analyze against the survey title for which the response is to be archived


  1. Go to Distribution Detail


  1. Here, you will find the details of the distributed survey

    • Group Name: The group to which the survey was distributed

    • Copy Link: The link to the survey

    • Is Answered: Whether the survey has been answered or not

    • Reminded: If a reminder was sent for the survey

    • Pending: Number of days since the survey has been pending

    • Email Associated: The email address associated with the distribution

    • Distribution Mode: The mode by which the survey was distributed

    • Distribution Date: The date on which the survey was distributed

    • Distributed with Last Answer: Whether the survey was distributed with last answer or not

    • Archive: Click the Archive icon to archive the distribution. Archiving a distribution will hide it from the distribution list without deleting the distribution details.

Tip: Right click on the group name to view group distribution history. It will show the number of times the survey has been distributed along with the distribution details.